Fantasy audiobooks
Fantasy audiobooks

fantasy audiobooks

Gods, I just wish Wyrd would publish a collection of the stories separate from the rulebooks. only to immediately receive an invitation to a necromancer-only party and "Showcase one's finest works." It's about a little teenage girl who listens to the whispers in the night that tell her how to raise her precious puppy from the dead and succeeds.

fantasy audiobooks

Here's a good story to start with, if you want to try it: Dead Man's Ball. On the final tentacle, it's also confusing to navigate as it's posted in reverse order, it's meant for fans of Malifaux already, AND there's three different sets of stories: one containing stories from the main rulebooks of Malifaux (Tales of Malifaux), one from the magazines published separately (Chronicles), and one from the larger-scale wargame related to it (Earthside Echoes).

fantasy audiobooks

On the fourth other hand it's 100% free, apparently given away as a loss leader. Also, plenty of them have characters who die at the end, or do not appear in the wargame at all. On the other other hand (some creatures in Malifaux don't bother with just two), each is a short story in its own right and while there's a longer meta-narrative, quite often it's hard to keep them apart without knowing the wargame at least somewhat. what? She can't go back to her old life, she's undead after all. The writing is for a horror-magi-steampunk wargame, and some of it is quite nasty one main character is a plucky lady news reporter who is killed by a serial killer and then raised as a zombie by that same serial killer at her very public funeral and told, "Follow me, lass, we've got work tae do." Some of the stories gradually follow her as she regains her free will and then. On the other hand, it's about as grimdark as they come. The narrators are solid, but not supremely skilled at first. On the one hand, it's a somewhat amateurish production, with some added 'material' about it being a radiocast that can get annoying.

Fantasy audiobooks